Esports at TRC

TRC Feeder Teams
By TRC_Esports - Dec. 22, 2021, 11:27 a.m.
Last Edit - Jan. 5, 2022, 12:17 p.m.

We are currently running 2 feeder teams, one for the TRC Cobras and one for TRC Esports RL. At the moment they are called TRC Cobras B & TRC Esports B, the names aren't very interesting but they are open for potential branding ideas. Esports students or the players within these teams can come up with ideas for a new team name, logo, and branding. This could be done as part of the first assignment for Unit 2.

Why Feeder Teams


A Rocket League match will be a 3v3 affair, resulting in a minimum team size of 3. In Champs fixtures we can also name 2 substitutes, and within a single 5 minute game only 3 players can participate. So over a best of 5 game match all players could be involved.

So far we have mainly played a team of 3, so without the feeder teams the level of participation could be low. Any team variation as mainly been due to absence, and over the Winter Qualifiers each feeder team was using a pool of approximately 5 players.

Progression is also an important factor, a players ranking in Rocket League can change quickly. Players who originally had a ranking of Diamond, are already close to or even at Champion level. So players in the TRC Esports B team can be called up this year to fill any gaps in the current TRC Esports team as well as potentially playing for our top teams next year. Players in the TRC Cobras B team, will also have the potential of playing for our top teams next year. Any gaps in the TRC Cobras will be filled using the best players available, playing in Division 1 will be extremely competitive and as such we want to maintain the strength of the team.

Finally, we also want to increase the involvement of the other areas of esports. More teams will mean more potential for streaming, team management opportunities, content creation, team coaching and so on.

How to follow

You can follow TRC Cobras B on the Champs Website.

You can follow TRC Esports B on the Champs Website