Esports at TRC

Apex Legends @ TRC Update
By TRC_Esports - Jan. 28, 2022, 4:39 p.m.
Last Edit - Jan. 28, 2022, 4:39 p.m.

We have entered two teams into the Vulpine Apex Legends Series 4 (VALS4). This is a tournament organised by Vulpine Esports and several of the more established esports college have previously entered and are also entered for VALS4.


One team will represent TRC Esports, all three players are current esports students, and the other team will represent TRC Cobras (this has one non esports player). We will also look out for other tournaments or competitions in the future.

Going forward, we want to create a permanent Apex Legends team. A team consisting of our best players and a team that can regularly practice in preparation for any event. Some of the events will require the players to play from home (VALS4 requires players to be on discord during the tournament). But I'll keep everyone posted.